Fine Until Kindergarten

Fine Until Kindergarten

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Downloadable Resources

Guide to LD Doctors and Learning Specialists

When children have trouble learning, parents turn to doctors and learning specialists. But which ones?  Especially when you're starting out, it's not always obvious.

This free guide lists every type of doctor or specialist that works with LD children.  It tells you which doctors are qualified to diagnose different problems, and even the organizations you can contact to check a specialist's qualifications.

Click to download a free guide today!

What's Inside Your Child's Learning Difference Diagnosis?

Every child's brain is different.  Two dyslexic students, standing next to one another, might have very different learning strengths and challenges. How much do you know about your child's LD?

We can help!

This appendix looks inside of each diagnosis.  What weaknesses are underneath the label?  Your child can have a learning difference diagnosis based upon just one weakness, or based upon several.

Understand more about your child's LD challenges.  Click to download the free appendix today!

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Copyright text 2019 by  Fine Until Kindergarten